eBuilt™ Homes: the Next Evolution in Housing

CHBG - eBuilt black log with blue e - RBG

Clayton Home Building Group is delighted to introduce our newest housing initiative, eBuilt™ homes. These highly energy-efficient homes, built to the US Department of Energy’s Zero Ready Home™ specifications, strive to tackle the financial burden caused by rising home energy costs.

In 2022, more than 20 million American families struggled to pay their utility bills, with average residential prices increasing more than 14%1 - double the rate of inflation. This barrier to attainable homeownership as well as Clayton’s commitment to drive change through innovation and sustainability is what inspired us to launch eBuilt™ homes.

Remarkably energy-efficient, eBuilt™ homes can help homeowners save up to 50%2 on their annual energy costs, with the potential to save thousands of dollars throughout their years of homeownership. For even more savings, eBuilt™ homes are also made to accommodate a renewable solar energy system if the homeowner chooses to add one after purchase.

“We are thrilled and incredibly proud to offer eBuilt™ homes to home buyers across the nation,” said Keith Holdbrooks, CEO and Executive Chairman of Clayton Home Building Group. “eBuilt™ homes provide our home buyers an energy-efficient home that significantly lowers homeowners’ utility bills and environmental impact. This is a monumental achievement for our team at Clayton and for the single-family homebuilding industry.”

With 39 facilities building eBuilt™ homes, Clayton is the first single-family off-site builder to offer this level of energy efficiency on a large scale. The new eBuilt™ option is now available on nearly all Clayton residential off-site homes. Visit claytonhomes.com/find-a-home today to browse eBuilt™ homes near you.

1 https://www.utilitydive.com/news/electricity-prices-inflation-consumer-price-index/640656/

2 ZERH Logo Use Guidelines (energy.gov)

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